Laughter and humor are very important for us humans. Having fun with the people closest to you and enjoying the wacky and intricate ways of how language works come together with funny jokes.
Quotes that are meant to make even the most serious people softer are always welcome regardless of the situation, company, or topic.
Oftentimes, they arise from the spur of the moment while many of them are the results of careful and methodical thinking.
Whatever the history behind them, funny quotes are there for anyone to enjoy and make use of them when they are feeling down or just looking for some lighthearted laughter.
For example, activities like kayaking and canoeing have plenty of nuances to them and it is not often that people think of quotes while enjoying a kayak or canoe paddling.
Regardless, hundreds of funny quotes exist that take inspiration from kayaking and canoeing, celebrate them, or simply make fun of them in a way.
In the following sections, we talk more about these two water activities and bring to you over a hundred funny quotes to share with those that share in your passion.
Also read about funny fishing quotes.
What is Funny about It?
Before moving to the quotes themselves, we need to talk for a bit about what is it that makes kayaking and canoeing a perfect topic for funny quotes.
Well, language works in mysterious ways and so does the mind of humans. It does not take long for one to start thinking about stuff and make wacky and quirky statements.
Repeat them a few times, tell them to people you know, and soon they become quotes. Years and years go by and new generations hear them, further cementing their status as a classic quote.
The mind works best when having fun and when stimulated, and both of these paddling activities allow it these feelings.
While relaxing on the water, fishing, exploring, and taking in the outdoors, inspiration and imagination come pouring which is enough breeding ground for all sorts of conversations.
All it takes is a group of friends with a sense of humor and funny quotes will happen.
1. “When in doubt, take your kayak and paddle out.” – Unknown
2. “True paradise is but a few paddles away.” – Unknown
3. “Storms come and go, the waves crash overhead, the big fish eat the little fish, and I keep on paddling.” – George R. R. Martin
4. “Everyone believes in something. I, for example, believe I’ll seize the day and go kayaking.” – Unknown
5. “Writing to me is like kayaking in a river. You are paddling down, you come to a walled-off canyon, and you make a sharp turn, and you do not know what is around the corner. It could be a waterfall, or it could be a big pool. The narrative current carries you. You are surprised and you are thrilled, and sometimes you are terrified.” – Peter Heller
6. “Who needs therapy when you can go kayaking.” – Unknown
7. “Stress is caused by not kayaking enough.” – Unknown
8. “I don’t need much in life. A good kayak and a proper paddle are more than enough.” – Unknown
9. “What happens in a kayak stays in a kayak.” – Unknown
10. “Worry less, paddle more!” – Unknown
11. “One thing that you can always assume about me is that I would rather be kayaking.” – Unknown
12. “Life is like the river, sometimes it sweeps you gently and sometimes the rapids come out of nowhere.” – Emma Smith
13. “My retirement plan is rather simple: I plan to take out my kayak and paddle.” – Unknown
14. “I love to paddle in my kayak because it burns off the crazy.” – Unknown
15. “Money does not buy happiness. It can get you a good kayak though and it does not get much better than that.” – Unknown
16. “Sunsets and sunrises are enough reasons to buy a kayak.” – Unknown
17. “There is nothing half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” – Kenneth Grahame
18. “Kayaking is not simply a hobby, it is a post-apocalyptic survival skill too.” – Unknown
19. “Never mess with a kayak enthusiast. They know places where nobody can ever find you.” – Unknown
20. “Born to paddle, forced to work.” – Unknown
21. “Regardless of what the question is, kayaking is the answer.” – Unknown
22. “I don’t drink more when kayaking. I also do not drink less.” – Unknown
23. “Kayaks, beers, friends… what else do you need from life? – Unknown
24. “Life is short. Paddle quicker!” – Unknown
25. “If life is like a river, you will need a paddle to navigate it.” – Unknown
26. “I love her and yet she drifted away. She was not paddling hard enough.” – Unknown
27. “Having balance in life will prevent you from capsizing and sinking, just like in kayaking.” – Unknown
28. “Some waters you have to get lost in to truly explore them.” – Unknown
29. “Good things come to those who go kayaking.” – Unknown
30. “Some things are simply more beautiful from a kayak.” – Unknown
31. “Reality keeps calling. I keep hanging up and kayaking instead.” – Unknown
32. “Go kayaking? For shore!” – Unknown
33. “Future me is constantly complaining about not kayaking enough. Hate to keep disappointing him.” – Unknown
34. “Beaches be salty so it is river life for me!” – Unknown
35. “Never underestimate an old kayaker; they have been through it all.” – Unknown
36. “Beaches love kayakers!” – Unknown
37. “Rapids are white, rivers are blue, I want to paddle, but only with you.” – Unknown
38. “Forget the road and ride the river.” – Unknown
39. “There may be more important things than my kayak. I simply do not care.” – Unknown
40. “Every second spent paddling is time well spent.” – Unknown
41. “If water is life, kayaking is breathing.” – Unknown
42. “When life gets nerve-wracking, I go kayaking.” – Unknown
43. “She didn’t like kayaking so I sent her packing.” – Unknown
44. “Bears attacking? Not when you are kayaking!” – Unknown
45. “Nobody can ruin my kayak time.” – Unknown
46. “A day without paddling may not kill me, but will I risk it? Nah!” – Unknown
47. “I can’t hear you over the sound of how much I’m thinking of paddling.” – Unknown
48. “Want a home to yourself? Sent me kayaking for the weekend!” – Unknown
49. “Coffee and my kayak, all I need in the morning.” – Unknown
50. “No need to hit the gym, I hit the river in my paddle boat every day.” – Unknown
51. “What do I like? Well, kayaking, and maybe two people.” – Unknown
52. “Couples that paddle together, stay together.” – Unknown
53. “My paddle makes a good defensive tool too so be careful!” – Unknown
54. “Missed calls, unanswered text? I was probably out kayaking!” – Unknown
55. “A kayaking grandparent is the most fun grandparent.” – Unknown
56. “I think I need a new truck, by kayak ain’t gonna transport itself to the river.” – Unknown
57. “I used to be a basic shore fisherman like you. Then I bought a kayak and leveled up.” – Unknown
58. “Adulting is hard. Try kayak paddling instead!” – Unknown
59. “If you want to keep up with me, you better be good at paddling a kayak.” – Unknown
60. “CAREFUL: Too much paddling makes you awesome!” – Unknown
61. “No need for therapy. Besides, kayaking is cheaper.” – Unknown
62. “She told me to choose: kayaking or her. I sure do miss her while paddling now.” – Unknown
63. “She told me, three words and I’m yours. Apparently, Let’s go kayaking was not it!” – Unknown
64. “Smooth waters make average kayakers. Get in those rapids!” – Unknown
65. “Let go of the shore. The waters await!” – Unknown
66. “If you wish to change the world, find someone to help you paddle.” – William H. McRaven
67. “Six days shalt thou paddle and pack, but on the seventh thou shall wash thy socks.” – Aldo Leopold
68. “To leave the stress of modern life, all you need is a kayak.” – Unknown
69. “ Life is like a kayak, the hard part comes when you know not which way to paddle.” – Unknown
70. “Going nowhere and still having fun has a whole new meaning in a kayak.” – Unknown
71. “I canoe believe this, I have to paddle again!” – Unknown
72. “This canoe is happening, oar is I just dreaming?” – Unknown
73. “About the best reason I can think of for owning a canoe is that it can take me into the wilderness, and what is so great about wilderness? The silence, for one thing.” – Robert Kimber
74. “It was good enough for Native Americans to tame a continent. It will be good enough for you too.” – Unknown
75. “Want to travel back in time? Hop in a canoe and paddle away.” – Unknown
76. “A canoe does not know who is king. When it turns over, everyone gets wet.” – Malagasy proverb
77. “I’ve always thought that you should concentrate on paddling your own canoe.” – John Dos Passos
78. “Whenever there is a channel for water, there is a road for a canoe.” – Henry David Thoreau
79. “First and only tule to canoeing: don’t lose your paddle.” – Unknown
80. “The goal of a wilderness canoe trip should be to collect enough of the wilderness experience to last the whole year.” – Gret Went
81. “There’s no mastery to be had. You love the attempt. You don’t master a story any more than you master a river. You feel lucky to canoe down it.” – Unknown
82. “Respect the river and you will be a better canoer.” – Unknown
83. “Originality is unexplored territory. And you do not get there in a taxi. You carry a canoe.” – Alan Alda
84. “Being in love with canoeing is quite the oar-deal.” – Unknown
85. “You can’t fire a cannon from a canoe!” – Charles Poliquin
86. “Nobody can paddle two canoes at once.” – Bantu proverb
87. “If there is a palace, there is a way to canoe to it.” – Unknown
88. “Do not talk to me about the capabilities of canoes. The Polynesians would seriously disagree.” – Unknown
89. “When in doubt, canoe it out.” – Unknown
90. “This is how we oar, look at us row.” -Unknown
91. “Paddles up and canoe away.” – Unknown
92. “Never trust a canoe paddler whose feet are dry.” – Unknown
93. “Paddling a canoe is a source of enrichment and inner renewal.” – Pierre Trudeau
94. “Enough said, you had me at canoe.” – Unknown
95. “They see me rowin’ they hatin’!” – Unknown
96. “With one foot in a canoe and one on shore, you are sure to fall into the river.” – Unknown
97. “Beware, I might start talking canoes soon.” – Unknown
98. “That’s a nice conversation you got there, would be a shame if someone talked canoes instead.” – Unknown
99. “Paddle your own canoe and let others paddle theirs.” – Unknown
100. “As long as I can bring my canoe, we can go anywhere.” – Unknown
101. “Adventure is out there, waiting, so come on and bring your canoe!” – Unknown

Meet Maria Alexander, the fearless adventurer steering the ship at Her mission? To convince you that life’s too short for dry land and that the best stories always start with “So there I was in my kayak…”
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